
Photo Montages of All Saints

For more photographs, you can view our albums on flickr and you can view a photographic tour of All Saints on Facebook.

Special Occasions

All Saints' 150 Anniversary with the Bishops

L to R: Rev. Mary Bowden, Deacon Jennifer Wood, Fr. Peter Brown, Rt Rev. Rachel Treweek Bishop of Gloucester, Fr. Robert Wright,Rt Rev. Jonathan Goodall Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Fr. Andrew Little,Fr. David Gardner Bishop's Chaplain

Walsingham Pilgrimage 2019

Palm Sunday 2019

All Saints' Festal Patronal Mass for 150 years - November 2018

Sunday 4th November saw All Saints' celebrate not only our Patronal Festival, but also 150 years since our consecration. We welcomed Bishop Christopher Hill former Bishop of Guildford and Assistant Bishop of our Diocese, who celebrated and preached. We also welcomed eight visiting clergy, three of whom are past incumbents and two Honorary Assistant Priests at All Saints'.

L to R: Fr. Mike French, Fr. Stephen Gregory (former incumbent), Fr. Bob Torrens (former incumbent), Fr. Jeffery Gunn (Hon. Asst. Priest), Deacon Jennifer Wood, Bishop Christopher Hill, Fr. Robert Wright (Team Vicar), Fr. Stephen Eldridge (former incumbent), Fr. Humphries, Fr. Andrew Little. Also present but not in the photograph Fr. Ian Robb (Hon. Asst. Priest)

The Licensing of Fr. Robert Wright - July 2018

Friday 27th July 2018. saw the joyous occasion of the Licensing of Fr. Robert Wright as Team Vicar to the North Cheltenham Team at All Saints', Cheltenham.

Before the event.

After the event with Bishops Rachel of Gloucester and Jonathan of Ebbsflee.

Archdeacon of Cheltenham, Bishop of Gloucester, Fr. Robert abd the Bishop of Ebbsfleet

Bishop Rachel, Fr. Nick Bromfield (Rector), Fr. Robert, Bishop Jonathan, Archdeacon Phil.

The Bishops, Archdeacon of Cheltenham, Team Rector, Fr. Robert and the Team churchwardens (minus yours truly who was behind the camera)

Farewell to our Organist, Choirmaster and Director of Music Cameron Luke

Amid the joyous celebrations of Easter Day and the Risen Christ, the day was tinged with sadness as we said a very fond farewell to our Organist, Choirmaster and Director of Music Cameron Luke.  Cameron will eventually leave these shores for South Africa, where he will take up posts at Grahamstown Cathedral, and Rhodes University. Cameron is pictured here with the Choir, Clergy and congregation after his last 10.30am Sung Mass.

Palm Sunday 2018 

Procession to All Saints' Church

The Friends of All Saints' Harvest Supper 2017.

On Saturday 7th October 2017, the Friends of All Saints' held the Annual All Saints' Harvest Supper.

A good time was had by all!

Mary and Tori did a sterling job as 'Serving Girls'.

Deacon Jennifer's Marriage - September 2017

On Friday 15th September 2017 our own Deacon Jennifer Swinbank married Mr. Brian Wood becoming Deacon Jennifer Wood.

Glastonbury Pilgrimage - July 2018

Saturday July 8th 2017 saw a party of All Saints' and St. Stephens participate in the Glastonbury Pilgrimage.

Christian Aid 'Bread and Cheese' Lunch - May 2017

Easter Dawn 'Sunrise' Mass

Palm Sunday

Procession along Pittville Circus Road and All Saints' Road to All Saints' Church.

Candlelit Nine Lessons and Carols Service - December 2016

Raking through some old photographs I seem to have accumulated, I came across one of All Saints' taken, I should imagine, not very long after it was consecrated around the latter quarter of 19th Century. I then found an almost identical view (with a wee bit of cropping) which I took a year or two ago. Compare the difference. (note on the old photograph the gas mantles along each side of the main aisle, no rood screen or Stone pulpit with canopy etc.etc....).

Phil Gray

Harvest Supper - October 2016

Fr Stephen's retirement - September 2016

On Sunday 18th September 2016, after eight years with the North Cheltenham Team as team Vicar, Fr Stephen Eldridge held his last Mass and Retirement Party at All Saints'.

The Retirement Gift of a bespoke painted Coptic Icon of Our Lady of Walsingham, to Fr Stephen from All Saints'.

In August, All Saints' Choir undertook a short tour of Cornwall, where they were invited to sing at Truro Cathedral.

'Bread and Cheese' Lunch - May 2016

Mary Apperly, All Saints' Christian Aid co-ordinator organised a 'Bread and Cheese' Lunch to raise funds for Christian Aid. Ably assisted by a small group of helpers and supported by a good number of members and non-members of the congregation alike, all went to make the event a great success.

This is in fact the central panel of the ceiling, of the kitchen area, under the tower of All Saints'. Because of it's location and indeed height, very few people see this or indeed know about it, but it is beautifully painted.

An Interesting view, of which very few people get to see, or indeed know about.

The central panel with the details either side.

Royal Quiz and Fish & Chip Supper - April 2016

On Saturday 16th April 2016, The Friends of All Saints' held a Royal Quiz and Fish & Chip Supper in the John Wood Room to mark the actual 90th birthday of Her Majesty The Queen.

The 2015 Choir with Deacon Jennifer (left) and Fr. Stephen Eldridge (right)

We were delighted to welcome Bishop Jonathan as our Celebrant and Preacher for the Easter Vigil and first Mass of Easter.

Bishop Jonathan with Fr Stephen and Deacon Jennifer.

 Bishop Rachel with Bishop Jonathan

Archdeacon Robert & Fr David with the Bishops

25th Anniversary of the Ordination of Fr. Stephen Eldridge to Priesthood - June 2015. 

Father Stephen and the All Saints congregation.