The Prestbury Parish Electoral Roll
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 6th April 2025. For you to have a voice at the meeting or to be eligible to be elected to an office you will need to be on the church's Electoral Roll (not to be confused with the Parliamentary Electoral Register).
This year a completely new Roll must be prepared and no names that were on it previously can be carried over. This happens every six years.
Joining the roll
To join the roll simply click the buttom below and complete the form online
You can also scan the QR code with your mobile device or tablet
If you do not wish to complete the form online, then you may request a paper form from any of the following:
a church warden
the team office
You qualify to be on the Electoral Roll of the Parish of Prestbury if you are:
aged 16 years or over
a lay member of the Church of England
either resident in the parish, or for the previous six months have habitually attended public worship in the parish
Further Information
If you wish to check if you live in the parish you can see an interactive map of the parish on the A Church Near You website.
Detailed rules about the Electoral Roll can be viewed on the Church of England website.